Our Story
We are a proud worker cooperative, which means we are bookkeeper-owned and run. We are part of a movement for an economy which works for all, and which prioritizes people and planet over profit. We uplift international cooperative values and principles including care for community, cooperation amongst cooperatives, training and education, equity, and solidarity. Our bookkeepers bring an owner’s level of care and concern to each of their clients.
Our Vision
The name Wholehearted Bookkeeping comes from our intention to join the mind and the heart. Bookkeeping is inherently a mental and analytical task. But with us, we know it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about the people we love, the communities we serve, and the Earth we call home. Our vision is to serve clients who are making a difference through their work, organization or business. We make it easy for you to do what you love while having peace of mind that your company’s finances are in order.
Our Purpose
The purpose of this cooperative is to create stable job opportunities for members of our community, to practice workplace democracy, to feed our community, and to grow community wealth. We value equality and respect, and seek to create a just and healthy workplace. We uplift cooperative values and principles including cooperation amongst cooperatives and concern for community. We base decisions on more than just economic factors, and have a multi-dimensional bottom line that includes spirit, people, and planet.
El objetivo de esta cooperativa es la creación de oportunidades de empleo estable para los miembrxs de nuestra comunidad, de practicar la democracia laboral, de alimentar a nuestra comunidad y hacer crecer la riqueza de la comunidad. Valoramos la igualdad y el respeto, y buscamos crear un lugar de trabajo justo y saludable. Elevamos los valores y principios cooperativos, incluyendo la cooperación entre cooperativas y la preocupación por la comunidad. Basamos nuestras decisiones en factores más allá del ámbito económico y trabajamos hacía fines multidimensionales que incluyen el espíritu, las personas y el planeta.